Monday, January 16, 2017

My vacation

My Vacation was so much fun. We’ve been in a different places. Eating in new restaurants andgoing to different beaches. December 16, 2016 was our Christmas party at school. At morning, me, my classmate and other students gone to the Gym for a short program, then, at exactly 9 we gone to our perspective rooms and celebrate our party. My section had short program for the remaining time and after we had our lunch with our Sub Adviser and our adviser. Then, we give our gifts to our monitos and monitas. It was a memorable for ours because that is the last time and the last moment for Miss Debbie, the one who change for a months to our adviser, who give us a lots of fun in teaching and now she’s leaving. 

December 25, 2016, the day of Christmas. Me and my family went to a mall in Tagum and eat in a restaurant and bought some things, then went back home early to attend a mass. We eat a lot and watched some movies. January 1, 2017, New Year, we spend our time at home eating the food and desserts that we made. My vacation was fun but I want it more fun and I’ll try it next time.